Japan Railway Engineers’ Association (JREA) Overview
1. Date of Inauguration
August 9, 1947
2. Purpose
To contribute to the development and advancement of railway technology through close collaboration and cooperation among members and to enhance the techniques and skills of members.
3. History
1947 – February | JREA was established with the objectives to restore railways, improve technology, and raise the morale of technical personnel. It received approval for incorporation in August of the same year. Every month, it distributed the JREA News and JREA-edited Transportation Technology (published by the Transport Cooperative Organization) to its members. |
1957 – April | The journal “JREA” will be published instead of JREA News and Transportation Technology. |
1958 – April | JREA, the publication of which has continued until today, was first launched to replace the JREA News and Transportation Technology. |
1958 – December | The Overseas Railways Technological Research Workshop was set up to compare and study railway technologies. It has been offering seminars on the technological development of overseas railways. |
1959 – July | Launched the English magazine Japanese Railway Engineering to introduce Japanese railway technology to the world and to continue exchanges with overseas technology magazines. |
1962 – February | Started conferring the JREA Award to the best article of the year published in JREA. |
1963 – April | Established the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics in response to UIC’s call in the railway cybernetics symposium. JREA has been serving as the Congress’ executive office and has hosted symposium every year. |
1966 – January | Hosted the “High-speed Railway Seminar” to commemorate conferment of the Asahi Newspaper Culture Award (500,000 yen) by Chairman Shima and shinkansen groups. The seminar has been held annually since. |
1971 – April | Started receiving consignment of aid programs from the Nippon Foundation. |
1979 – June | Dispatched technology research teams to Europe. Teams have been sent as necessary. |
1985 – May | Incorporated the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics as a JREA committee. |
1989 – September | Established the DS (Deep Subway) Study Group in JREA to conduct studies on various issues relating to large station sections and deep underground subways and to develop pertinent software and hardware technology. |
1991 – March | Completed the “DS Study Group.” |
1992 – September | In response to the Shigaraki Kogen Railway accident that took place in May 1991, JREA offered a government-subsidized (by the Railway Development Fund of the former Ministry of Transport) “Educational Program on Safety Measures for Railway Employees,” with the cooperation of five organizations specializing in railway facilities, rolling stock and equipment, electricity, and operation, to the employees of 53 companies, including public-private railways, medium and small private railways, etc. |
1998 – March | Completed the government-subsidized “Educational Program on Safety Measures for Railway Employees.” |
2005 – October | Established the independent study group “General Safety Research Study.” |
2006 – July | Launched the “Technology Seminar” series on the development of new technology. |
2007 – February | Appointed as the sub-working group executive office of the ISO/TC204/WG8 “Interoperable Fare Management System”. |
2007 – August | Conducted the commemorative activity in the 60th anniversary of JREA. |
2008 – March | Started conferring the Japan Railway Engineer’s Associatin SAKATA memorial Award to the best articl of the year published in JREA, Japanese Raiway Engineering, Collection of Technical Papers on the Application of Cybenetics to Railways and Cybenetics. |
2008 – May | Published a book titled “the Railway systems of Japan Coming after 20 Years” as a commemorative activity in the 60th anniversary of JREA. |
2017 – April | The 70th anniversary of JREA |
2023 – May | Conducted the commemorative activity in the 60th anniversary of the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics. |
2023 – November | Organized Rail Leaders Summit in ASIA on railway technology. |
4. Scope of Activities
(1) Conduct research to develop and advance railway technology
(2) Collect and research information on railway technology
(3) Conduct research to improve the efficiency of railway operation
(4) Conduct studies to train and utilize railway engineers and technicians
(5) Publish technology magazines and books
(6) Organize seminars, exhibitions, workshops, discussion groups, etc.
(7) Conduct other activities deemed necessary for achieving the purpose of JREA
(8) JREA Activities
○ JREA Magazine:JREA is a monthly magazine distributed to members.
○ Japanese Railway Engineering (JRE magazine)
English magazine “Japanese Railway Engineering”
○ Seminars and Tours
○ Research and Studies
○ Dispatch of Investigation Teams to Overseas Railways for Technological Exchanges
(9) Activities of the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics
○ About the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics
○ History for the Establishment of the Congress of Japan Railway Cybernetics
5. Membership
JREA is a public corporation under the supervision of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Its general members consist of individuals employed by railway operators including the JR Group companies, other public and private railways, and subways; Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency; academic and research institutions such as universities and the Railway Technical Research Institute, and core engineers working for railway-related construction, manufacturing, and maintenance companies. Corporate members are companies and organizations that employ the above-mentioned individual members.
6. JREA Publications
JREA (monthly), Japanese Railway Engineering (English,semiyearly), and Cybernetics (quarterly)